
Saturday, March 31, 2012

58. Name tag moustaches

 58. Name tag moustaches

For your moustache-themed parties and get-togethers... or something like that.
Look under "extras" for printable pdf!

Friday, March 30, 2012

57. Moustache Mirror

57. Moustache Mirror

Another round of laser-cut fun. Here's a stylish way to check your look:

It is made of laser-cut acrylic, and the reflection is sharp! 
I'm putting this and a couple of other things in my shop -- come take a look around!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

56. Moustache necklace

56. Moustache necklace

More fun with the laser cutter! These seem to be everywhere these days, so I decided to make some, too. I rather like the hot pink color, I think.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

54. Invisible moustache

54. Invisible moustache

Well, it's clear anyway.

This was part of the packaging for something. For the life of me I cannot remember what.
I thought that this part had a nice moustache-like shape to it, so I held on to it. Reduce? Not in this case. Reuse - check. Recycle - coming up.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

49. Rubber gloves

49. Rubber gloves

Time for spring cleaning!

                                         (Toothbrush style)

                                          (two variations on the horseshoe style)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

48. Business Card Holder

48. Business Card Holder

Here's some fun for the office to help make it through the week:

Look under "Extras"for a printable PDF!
Tips: I recommend card stock or some otherwise sturdy paper, and a hobby knife for cutting. If your edges around the moustache are a bit less than perfect, run a black marker along them to get rid of white spots.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

47. Chainguards

47. Chainguards

A pair of old bicycle chainguards from a bike frankenstein project. These are great for protecting your ankles, if not your moustache.
The moustache spoon may be the moustache equivalent, for keeping soup out of the 'stache, it seems.

Monday, March 19, 2012

46. Roaring moustache

46. Roaring moustache

I spotted this creature during a recent visit to Salem, Oregon. Fierce.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

45. Blinky Brooch

45. Blinky Brooch

Today was St. Patrick's day, and I decided to dress up a blinky shamrock pin as a fancy blinky moustache. I sandwiched the pin between a scrap of green fabric and a piece of stiff foam. The lights show right through the fabric (flannel, I think).

(Before the transformation:)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

43. Musical moustache

43. Musical moustache

This is a snippet from a Bach suite, doubled and reversed.
I wonder if it sounds like a moustache....

Thursday, March 15, 2012

42. Pi stache

42. Pi stache

So, today (3/14) was pi day.

I should have baked a pie, but I made these guys instead.
I thought the top part seemed like a good spot for a moustache (left), then I pictured this little professor (right), complete with cap and gown.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

40. Fun with doilies

40. Fun with doilies

I've been experimenting with doilies as moustache-material. Here are a couple of results:
On this one, I layered pieces on top of one another. After importing the image to clean it up a bit, I hit a filter in inkscape, and liked it all pink, so I kept it.
 This one shows the natural color:

Monday, March 12, 2012

39. Browniestaches

39. Browniestaches

I didn't manage to quit baking for very long. I could not resist the call of the oven... More accurately, I wanted brownies. Chocolate chip brownies, to be exact. I'm officially giving up not baking.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

38. Napkin Rings

38. Napkin Rings

I cut some out of felt, and some out of card stock - either works fine. You could adjust the pattern to make different moustache styles, and/or make them in a variety of colors.
Here it is in felt:

Close up:

Open (note the notches which hold the two ends together):
One made from card stock:
 I'll add a template in the next day or so to make it easier for you to make your own moustache napkin rings.
Done! Find this and other upcoming projects under the "extras" tab at the top of the page.
Enjoy! I'd love to see photos if you do this project!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

#37 Tomato tops

#37 Tomato tops

I noticed these little moustaches after cutting up a couple of tomatoes for a caprese salad. Not everyone likes to eat the tops of the tomatoes, and I'm an obliging cook. A couple of quick cuts does  the trick, and - surprise! You've got tiny tomato moustaches.

Friday, March 9, 2012

#36 Hamanstachen

#36 Hamanstachen

I tried making hamantaschen* today, and while most of them didn't turn out so well, I did manage to make one decent chocolate chip hamanstache. I just couldn't resist the pun.
Before baking:
 After baking:
 A proper, triangular one:
 The rest of them (this one's the best of a real mess, but they still taste pretty good):
I think I'll give up baking for a while... 

*Hamantaschen are triangular pastries, usually filled with preserves and served on Purim (which was today). They are supposed to look like three-cornered hats.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

35. Lego moustaches

35. Lego moustaches

There are so many things you can make with these bricks - model cities, spaceships, moving robots, and a thousand other incredible things... Here are four humble moustaches.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

34. Balloon dog moustache

34. Balloon dog moustache

One of the reasons I started writing this blog is that I thought it would be a good opportunity to develop new skills. Making balloon dogs, it turns out, is one of those skills.

This puppy ended up with a moustache after I discovered that I'm not especially skilled in making balloon moustaches:

The dog's moustache is made out of the end of a particularly uncooperative balloon. Pop!